Friendly Search

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007 @ 1:00 pm | 4 Stars, Facebook, Utility

Rating: ★★★★☆

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Friendly Search by Heiko Waechter and Jason Smale aims to improve the way you manage all your existing friends by filtering, sorting and searching. It’s not an improved Friend Finder application, as one might interpret their description.

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Immediately after signing in, I’m impressed with its clean presentation. The application is designed in Flash, with a little bit of little eye-candy like fading and flashing. Everything is accomplished on a single page with no page reloading.


  1. Sort by
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
  2. Filter by Network
    1. Drop down list of all your networks and your friends’ networks
  3. Filter by Country
    1. Drop down list all distinct countries in your network of friends
  4. Filter by Sex
    1. Male
    2. Female
    3. All
  5. Search by Name
  6. View Mode
    1. Small icons
    2. Medium icons
    3. Medium icons with details

I’m going to keep the application installed. In all honesty, even the existing Facebook Friend List feature is one I use irregularly, but next time I need to lookup one of my friends I’ll probably use Friendly Search.


One Response to “Friendly Search”

  1. Joel Thoms Says:

    Do you have that many friends that you have to search to find them? I don’t 🙁

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